Enrolment Terms & Conditions
[Last updated: 1 Oct 2024]
i. All students will pay for a one-time non-refundable registration fee of $30 upon enrolment of any courses.
i. There is a compulsory deposit of $100. Deposit will be refunded upon successful termination, i.e. termination notice served duly and outstanding fees paid.
ii. Students will not be granted any refunds on any outstanding course fees, if they wish to withdraw or end their courses prematurely.
i. All course fees are collected on a monthly basis (except for Nov & Dec fees which will be collected together in Nov).
If course enrolment is done when the month has started, the course fees will be prorated accordingly.
ii. SAFRA members enjoy a 15% discount off course fees. Valid SAFRA card must be presented to enjoy the discount.
iii. A late fee of $10/month will be imposed on any late payment on course fees and there will be strictly no waiver.
iv. The school reserves the right to suspend the student’s lessons if the fees are not paid.
d. Terms and Conditions of SAFRA Member:
i. SAFRA Member discount is only applicable on course fee and not applicable on any other payments.
ii. This member discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions and discounts.
iii. SAFRA points is only awarded for transactions on course fees.
iv. SAFRA points or rewards vouchers can only be redeemed for payment of course fees.
i. There are no regular lessons during Medley and Public Holidays.
ii. Our courses are scheduled such that every student will receive 44 lessons in a calendar year, i.e. 11 lessons per term, regardless of their lesson day.
i. There will be compulsory Performance Empowering Classes (PEC) during the PEC week. These are group classes ranging from 45 to 60 minutes.
ii. Students are advised to stick to their PEC class timings throughout the whole year, unless they are advised by teacher to switch to a different level.
iii. During PEC week, there are no regular lessons unless otherwise advised by their respective teachers.
iv. Teachers reserve the rights to decide which students are ready to join the PEC classes.
v. PEC classes that are missed will not be replaced.
i. If student wishes for lessons to be put on hold, a holding fee of $30 will be imposed for their lesson slots to be reserved. Student can only be on hold for one month for the calendar year.
i. Students who are unable to attend any lessons must inform their respective teachers and our admin staff at least a day in advance.
ii. Individual lessons missed will be replaced up to a maximum of 2 lessons per term either by a) extending of lessons; or b) replacing during PEC week.
iii. Group lessons missed cannot be replaced. If the student is on MC, parents are to submit the MC via email and they will receive a medical voucher which they can utilise to offset their next month's fee. Each student can receive up to a maximum of 2 medical vouchers per term.
iv. When lessons are missed due to teachers being on urgent leave, training or MC, a replacement lesson date will be arranged.
v. Any replacement lessons scheduled and missed will not be replaced.
a. It is compulsory for students who wish to terminate to serve at least one month of notice in writing and complete the course/programme duration. The one month duration will be based on the date on the endorsed Termination Form submitted. Form can be obtained from our admin staff.
b. Upon payment of all outstanding course fees, deposit will then be returned to the respective student. Deposit may also be used to offset any outstanding fees.
c. Students may be considered terminated if they have missed at least two continuous weeks of lessons without any prior notice. Deposit will not be refunded in this situation. The remaining lessons will be made good subject to the school’s justification.
d. All lessons are to be consumed before the end of official date of notice of termination. No additional replacement will be made if the lesson falls on a Medley or Public Holiday.