Why Medley Music Academy?
At Medley Music Academy, we aim to provide our students a holistic music education. Our specially designed programmes aim to build character, boost the confidence of our students and provide a positive learning experience.

Confidence building through Performance Empowering Class
Performance Empowering Classes (PECs) are conducted once a term for all students. PECs break the monotony of learning individually as students are grouped with peers of the same playing level and each get to perform before the group. The customised modules empower students as they learn the finer details of being a performer, other aspects of music, and at the same time, build up their self-confidence.

Learn Empathy through Community Involvement
One of Medley Music Academy’s core values is that of social responsibility and we demonstrate this by encouraging students to use their talent in music to give back to society. Each year, students have different opportunities to serve in various community events such as performing at hospices, carolling at hospitals and volunteering in music workshops for underprivileged families. Parents and siblings are welcome to join our students in contributing to these good causes.

Value-Added Programmes
Medley Music Academy offers fun and exciting holiday music workshops which are complimentary for all our students here at Medley Music School.
In addition, we organise an Annual Concert towards the end of each year which is the perfect platform for our students to perform in front of a large audience.

Quality Lessons assurance through Regular Teachers' Training
Medley Music Academy teachers attend monthly music training workshops each month.
This not only provides teachers a platform to share insights about different teaching methods with one another, but also gives them opportunities for continued self-improvement in terms of lesson content and delivery.
Regular training for teachers are put in place to continually uphold the standard of teaching and quality lessons for our students here at Medley Music Academy.

Official Examination Centre for ABRSM and LCM
Medley Music Academy is proud to be an authorised exam centre for both the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) and the London College of Music (LCM).