Piano | Keyboard
Kickstart your musical journey with our piano lessons today! Whether you're looking to take piano exams or pick up the instrument for leisure, we've got it covered.
Individual | Group

Learn to play the violin beautifully with basic and advanced techniques that bring out the silky sounds of one of the most popular yet versatile string instruments.
Individual | Group

Guitar (Currently Unavailable)
One of the easier string instruments to pick up, learn the basic skills of the guitar and strum along to your favourite songs in no time!
Individual | Group

Ukulele (Currently Unavailable)
Learn to play one of the most fun, portable and affordable instruments - the ukulele!
Individual | Group

Drums (Currently Unavailable)
Pick up the drums and beat to your favourite songs in no time!
Individual lessons only

Vocal (Currently Unavailable)
Looking to pick up singing, whether for exams or for leisure? You've come to the right place. Sign up for vocal lessons today!
Individual | Group